Saturday, July 9, 2011

Gunung Namak Beach Namak  beach is great not because of white sand that is not because the water is clear, but it has a granite stones are large, exclusively and directly by the beach.

Gunung Namak unique tourist attraction because Gunung Namak beach beach is not far from the mountain. Furthermore, this beach dotted with small islands covered with trees. very suitable for weekend outings with the family. Visitors can enjoy a view of the open sea while fishing.

Gunung Namak Beach is located in the district Taboali, South Bangka Regency Bangka Belitung, Indonesia. Located about 18 km from the city Taboali and can be reached during the 1 hour trip in two and four wheel vehicles. With a gently sloping stretch of beach and sea are still very blue, Gunung Namak Beach make it very suitable for a family vacation destination. And especially for tourists who want to fish in the sea.


Gunung Namak Beach is located in the district Taboali, South Bangka Regency Bangka Belitung, Indonesia. Located about 18 km from the city Taboali and can be reached during the 1 hour trip in two and four wheel vehicles.

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