This area has long attracted people's attention. A Dutch heritage monument at the foot of the cascade of Bunta Sarasah is proof that the valley of Harau had often visited by people since 1926. The monument was written signature Dutch Assistant Resident in Lima Puluh Koto at the time, F. Rinner, and two Indonesian officials, Lara Datuk Tuanku Nan Kuning Hitam Hitam and Datuk Kodoh nan.
Beauty is still scattered in the mountains. You will find nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries Harau valley, covering an area of 270.5 hectares. This place is designated as a nature reserve since January 10, 1993. In nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries Harau Valley there are many different species of plants protected rainforest highlands, over a number of rare native animals of Sumatra. Long-tailed monkeys (Macaca fascirulatis) are animals that are often seen in the region. These animals are tame and like to stimulation in a crowd of visitors. But you still have to be careful. Because there are wild monkeys, as Nosy. Quite often, they take food or property of visitors and more, when approached.
Other primates that live animals in wildlife sanctuaries, like Siamang (Hylobatessyndactylus) and Simpe (Presbytis melalopos). Their voices are often heard but rarely appeared. Other animals are protected in nature reserves also include the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrensis), bears (Helarctos malayanus), tapir (Tapirus indicus), goat of the forest (Capricon sumatrensis), and hedgehogs (Proechidna bruijnii). A total of 19 species of birds, including Kuawa (Argusianus argus) and Enggang (Anthrococeros sp), the inhabitants of the valley's flora and fauna protected by law Harau.
This area also has Harau Valley Park. Garden tour, which covers 27.5 hectares has been established since 1979. Garden tours are four potential waterfalls, caves, natural holes and forms a steep cliff with beautiful scenery and spectacular. Here, there are recreational facilities like swimming pools, campgrounds and trails for hiking trail around the area. Relatively cheap price of admission. Instead of tickets, we'll get a map of protected areas and wildlife reserves Harau Valley. When you need a guide, you can also take advantage of workers who are paid a daily guide.
Harau Valley is located in the district of Lima Puluh Koto, about 15 km from the town of Payakumbuh, or 47 km north of the town of Bukittinggi. To access there, you can start from the terminal Aur Kuning in Bukittinggi. Take a bus to Payakumbuh, then continued by bus to the Lamaksari Lama or sari. Sari Lama continues to walk up to 4 km (one hour) at the entrance to the nature reserve.
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