Plaosan complex is divided into two categories, namely North and South of Temple Plaosan Plaosan Temple. Both temples are square terrace, surrounded by a bunker wall, meditation, in the western part of the dome and on the opposite side. Since the degree of similarity, as well as the appearance of the temples are the same when they saw far to Plaosan temple is also known as the twin temples.
North Temple Plaosan central courtyard surrounded by a wall with the entrance on the west side. In the middle of the courtyard, a room as large as 21.62 mx 19 m. In the eastern part of the room, there are three altars, namely the north, east and south of the altar. Photos Amitbha, Ratnasambhava, Vairochana and Aksobya are the altar. Ksitigarba Samantabadhara statue and the figure is on the altar in the north, while the image Manjusri is the alter-west.
South Plaosan temple also has a room in the center that is surrounded by eight small temples is divided into two rows and each row consists of four temples. There are also pictures of Tathagata Amitbha, vajra Vajrapani with the attribute of Pranjaparamita utpala and was considered "the mother of all Buddhas." Some other pictures can still be found, but not to their place of origin. Figure Manujri, according to a Dutch scientist named Krom is significant can be seen.
Part of this bas-relief image of the single men and women. There is a man described as sitting cross-legged with your hands and worship a figure of a man with Vara mudra and VSE on his leg, surrounded by six small men. A woman is described as standing with hands Vara mudra throughout the book, pallets, and a vase around it. Krom said that the figures for men and women are descriptions of support sponsor of two monasteries.
The entire temple complex has 116 domes and 50 annexes Plaosan ancillary temples. Auxiliary domes can see both sides of the main temple, smaller temples that are auxiliary. Walk north, you can see the building open Mandapa call. Two inscriptions are also found, which is occurring in gold coins in the north of the main temple and an inscription on a stone in the first row of the annexes to temples.
A feature of Plaosan temple is the smooth surface of the terrace. Krom explains that this deck is different from other temples of the same period. In its opinion, it is associated with the function of a temple on time to keep the canonical texts held by Buddhist monks. Another prediction of Dutch researchers, if the number of monks in this area is small, the terrace can be used as a place for Buddhists to pray.
If you work around the temple complex, you will notice that the temple complex Plaosan wide. It may also have noticed a fence along stretches 460 meters from north to south and 290 meters from west to east. Even within the trench extends for as long as 440 meters from north to south and 270 meters from west to east. Moat can be seen walking east through the central part of this historic building.
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