The area where the current market Beringharjo is used banyan forest. Shortly after the founding of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Kingdom, he said in 1758, the area was used as a place of economic transaction that Yogayarkta population and its immediate surroundings. First hundred years later, in 1925, the site of transaction had a permanent building. "Beringharjo" The name was given by Hamengku Buwono IX, which means the place where the Banyan Tree (Bering) used to grow is supposed to bring prosperity (Harjo). Now tourists define this place as a place of pleasant shopping.
The front and the western part of the market is in the right places to find delicious traditional snacks. On the north side of the facade, you will find around Brem (a kind of snack made from fermented tuber extract), which is softer than Madiun city krasikan (sweet cake made from glutinous rice and sugar palm). In the south, you will find the cake bakpia filled with mung beans, which are sold snacks hot and humid and hanging nagasari kWe. Meanwhile, in the back, they usually sell snacks such as sustainable Ting-Ting is of caramel mixed with peanuts.
If you want to buy batik, Beringharjo is the best place because of its extensive collections, ranging from batik cloth, batik clothing made of cotton and silk materials, with prices ranging from a few tens of thousands to one million. Collection of batik fabrics found in western and northern parts of the market, the collection of batik clothing is available almost everywhere in the western part of this market. In addition to batik clothes, even the western part of the market offers traditional clothing: SURJAN, blangkon and both woven sarong and batik print them. Sandals and handbags are sold at reasonable prices are available around the escalator in the western part of the market.
Stepping on the floor above the second floor, you can smell the aroma of herbs Javanese. Herbs such as turmeric and tamarind usually mixed to produce a special drink, and make a bitter drink order temulawak drug is sold here. Spices such as ginger (no Ronde, drink or simply baked, boiled and mixed with sugar) and cinnamon (to enrich the flavors in beverages like ginger drink, coffee, tea, and sometimes replace the chocolate, cappuccino).
It is also the right to hunt antiques market. The center is ancient property in the eastern part of the third floor. Here you can get an antique typewriter, a helmet made in 1960 with the front of which is above the nose mica and some other items. On the same floor, you can get good quality used items, if desired. Different types of good quality imported used goods such as shoes, bags and other items sold at prices much cheaper compared to the original price. Of course, care must be taken in the election.
After completing your walk in the market, it's time for you to explore the area around the market without offers less attractive. The area around the northern part of the market used to be popular as Chinese Kampong is the most popular place. You can find cassettes of oldies music in the 1950s that are rarely found in other places on the highest price of 50,000 rupees. Moreover, Buddha statues in different poses killed 250,000 Rupiah. For collectors of old money, they can get from different countries, including those used in the 1930s.
To quench your thirst, you drink cold in Yogyakarta Special cendol or ice, is the right choice. It is a cold drink in Yogyakarta has a richer flavor than Banjarnegara and Bandung. Content is not only a cendol (jelly-like substance made from glutinous rice, but also the CAU cam (cam gelatinous substance produced by leaves CAU). Other drinks you can try ice young coconut, and palm sugar-based drink turmeric, tamarind and rice mixture to large galingale. price of the drink is cheap, ie 1000 and 2000 Rupiah.
Although the market is closed at 5:00 pm, the dynamics of traders does not stop at that time. Opposite the market, there are still many food vendors that offer many kinds of special foods. Martabak with different loads, Terang Bulan and sweet chocolate mixed with peanuts, and delicious klepon filled with palm sugar are sold every night. Around 18:00 until late at night, usually the seller is also offering special dishes Gudeg cowhide and variation of vegetables sautéed with chile. During the meal, you can hear traditional music from Java or have a conversation with the seller who will talk environment. It's a bit more!
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