Tamansari is about 2 km south of Yogyakarta Palace. Built by the Portuguese architect in Europe symbolize Java aquatic ornaments decorated. Tamansari was built in the time of Sultan Hamengku Buwono at the end of the seventeenth century. Tamansari is not only just a hobby, but also consists of a bathing pool, canals, rooms and pool extremerly great (if open channels).
The complex consists of Tamansari:
1. Room sacred
It is the holy place of the complex shows a separate building that was once the site of the hermitage to the Sultan and his family
2. Swimming Pool
This section was once a place of fun for the whole royal family. Consists of two pools that are separated by a 2-storey building. Sultan saw this building all women swim in the outdoor pool. So he could ask some of them to accompany him in the indoor pool. Sprouts water from a statue of animal form in the pool. The pool is also decorated with some flowers large.
3. Kenanga or Cemet Island
This part of some compounds such as construction or Kenanga Cemet Island (island formation) Sumur Gemuling and underground tunnels.
This artificial island is a large building, used as a place of rest and recognition. This will be the only building arose when the channels are open and the water flew over the area. On higher ground, it's like floating lotus in the middle of the large pool.
Sumur Gemuling is building erected in a circle as well (Javanese: Sumur), where some rooms formerly used as a bathroom.
Tunnel in this field of underground tunnels is the Sultan's Palace. The legend tells of secret tunnel connection to the South Sea (Indian Ocean), where Nyai Roro Kidul or Queen of the South is in his palace. Supernatural, the queen is the wife of Yogyakarta Sultan for many generations. This is the secret tunnel leading to the world, meeting with the wife of the Sultan is supernatural. However, the building was also hiding royal family against an enemy attack.
Tamansari is an interesting place to visit. Also, the location is very close to the palace of the Sultan, has owned specialty reflects the attraction Tamansari in a building, keeping intact the atmosphere that the object of Yogyakarta tourism.
There Sokotunggal Masjid, a mosque with a unique single column, which is different from the traditional Javanese architecture. Although built in the early twentieth century, the mosque is another attraction in this area. Kampung Taman located in close Tamansari complex known for batik craft. Visitors can buy or see the process of hand as for painting batik and batik clothing. That's why people all over Indonesia and abroad have visited this village. Tamansari Ngasem is not traditional market, the biggest bird market in Yogyakarta. All these attractions have Tamansari become one of the main purposes of tourism in Yogyakarta and Yogyakarta palace.
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