The Warong and fishing activities have improved since 10 years ago. The story goes that around 1997, some fishermen in the area of Cilacap Depok Beach is a good place to put their catch ashore. Fishermen catch fish with inspired local people who made their living as farmers to catch fish.
Some coastal communities have begun to Tekong, local name for the fishermen. The Tekong goes to sea with their boats. Fish catch occurs almost all year round, except on certain days that are considered sacred, namely Tuesday and Friday Kliwon (one of the five days of the week Javanese). The Tekong make good catches, except from June to September when the fish are rare.
With such a large amount of catch, the locals opened a fish landing, which was complemented by a center for trade in fish called Mina Bahari 45. Fishermen from other areas may even sell their catch there.
With the increasing number of visitors to the beach is 1.5 miles of beach Parangtritis, Wednesday Warong opened accordingly. Generally, traditional tones Warong supply. The buildings are simple, with a traditional roof called files, while the seats available for cross-legged on carpets with small tables for eating. Simple, are clean and comfortable.
A variety of seafood dishes are worth trying. The most popular fish is tuna at a reasonable price to IDR 8000 Fri / kg, consisting of 5-6 fish. Other fish are Kakap Kakap selling red and white around IDR 17,000 to 25,000 IDR per kilo. Rather expensive for a fish that sells Bawal IDR 27000 - IDR 60 000 per kilo. In addition, fish are also crabs, lobsters and octopus.
Fish and shellfish are usually served grilled or fried. You can choose fresh fish, the other takes you and then you go to one of Warong to cook. We tried to get a kilo of tuna cooked and had a glass of tea, the total cost IDR 22,000 only.
After a good meal, you can stop Depok Beach and Beaches Parangtritis Parangkusumo turning right to reach the asphalt road. Along the way, you will see the sand dunes surprising that the only example of a view in South East Asia and is rare in the tropics. The wide area like the desert sand.
It takes thousands of years for the formation of dunes around the single process. Some of them are forms Barchan dune crests of dunes, parabolic dunes and longitudinal dunes. Now only Barchan and longitudinal them are present. The wind on the sea and the steep hill of sand is due to due to the activity of Merapi Mountain, on the banks of the river to blow on the side to form the dunes.
To get to where you can enjoy seafood while enjoying the sand dunes, which can take the same path that leads to Parangtritis Yogyakarta. Just before the box of tickets for Parangtritis beach, turn right onto the small paved road. The entrance to the beach is Depok IDR 4000 for two and a motorcycle. If you pass by a car, pay IDR 5000 for the car and the additional price per person.
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